In the Western world, people don't talk about death. And it's killing us.
Because we don't live our lives.
If we contemplated our demise on a regular basis, it would remind us to live more.
Because one day, you will leave this earthly plane. That's not a maybe, it's a will happen. And do you want to leave it knowing that you never played full out?
On my life, no way!
I recently had the pleasure of working with author and former CEO of multiple NYSE and NASDAQ companies, Will Keiper. One of his most recent books, titled 'The Well-Being Bucket List' (a book co-authored with the Godfather of coaching, Steve Chandler), I will admit that I only really read in order to understand the writer whom I would be working with. Being only 40 at the time, I didn't think the book applied to me.
I was wrong.
What I learned very quickly - and I am ever grateful to Will and Steve for the reminder - is that life is really bloody short. And because it's so short, the most sensible thing to do is to just go for it. To live life full out. And not only in terms of things to do, but things to feel and to be.
What's beautiful about The Well-Being Bucket list is that it's not about a list of 'must go to places' before you die, or 'the top 10 activities you have to do otherwise you haven't lived'. Instead, it's about how to live your life being the greatest person you can be, to form the best relationships, to love so hard that your heart is full of joy at every turn, to be so present that it doesn't matter what's going on on the outside because you're grateful and inspired and in awe of the magnificence of life as it is.
True life - the breath of life - lives within all of us. It just needs to be seen, to be recognised, to be acknowledged.
So, think about your death. Be grateful that you're alive right now and have the chance to create whatever you want right now.
It's a blessing.
"The days pass swiftly as the twinkle of a star. Make your mark now, at this crucial turning point of a juncture, the like of which shall never return. Make that mark in deeds that will ensure for you celestial blessings..."
- The Universal House of Justice
You can find out more about Will here and Steve here. The Well-Being Bucket list is available here.